Topaz Ranch Estates
General Improvement District


Be Informed - Attend the monthly TRE GID Regular Board Meetings.

We strive to stay connected with our local Community. If you would like to place your non-profit event on our calendar please send in your request, either via the web or by contacting the TRE GID office at 775-266-3000.

A copy of the past 12 months of Meeting Minutes and/or Agendas can be printed from this site directly, or obtained at the TRE GID office during regular office hours. Older Minutes and Agendas can be obtained at the TRE GID office as well.

Regular Board Meetings are traditionally held the Second Wednesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. at the TRE Community Center, 3939 Carter Drive. From time to time calendar dates may have to be changed. Stay informed. Know when the next TRE GID Board Meeting is.

Want to be heard? Have a topic that you want on the Monthly Board Meeting Agenda? You need to fill out an Agenda Request Form and return the form to the TRE GID office on or before the preceding week Monday 2:00 p.m. (See Calendar for exact dates.)